knitted scarf? check!
thick tights? check!
tank top with long sleeve shirt over? check!
furry koala jacket? check!
finger gloves? check!
blanket? check!
heater? check!
even with all of that i'm still freezing big bum off. and it's only autumn. i'm so going to faint in winter.
it's 5 weeks until the end of the semester and i've been doing 5am nights now almost daily - i'm not sure how much more of this i can take. in addition to studio there is an essay that i need to get started on for Urban Design Theory, as well as another essay and case study for Contemporary Digital Practice. the latter i need to work on a little bit more because in the last class, the lecturer pointed at me and said "YOU WEREN'T HERE LAST WEEK!"
in which i not so brilliantly replied, "er..... yes, i overslept."
he was slightly stunned by my reply then said, "well. at least you're honest."
he seems to enjoy picking on me. the other time he stopped mid lecture to pick up the cupcake (which was gift from jois) that was by my feet and demanded, "How dare you bring food to class and put it right in front of my face!"
i'm sure it was in joking manner but i was dead embarrassed anyhow.
i have...... so much more to do, but here is sneak peek of design for this semester. it's obviously far from done - i'm just messing about with the rendering . it's meant to be a student accommodation, located at university square - and the challenging bit about this semester's design is the building is meant to show some sort of optical illusion.

wish me luck!
1 comment:
hi dearie! the design looks interesting -show more soon! :):) my design this semester started out with optical illusion too but i scraped it off coz it was too hard, boo! :(
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