so here it is. situation one. i'm a serious blur case, and a total forgetful joe. a lot of times i'm late for appointments because i can not for the life of me remember where the heck i left my keys last (the last time that happened i found the keys in a basket with all the dog things, not sure how it got there....) so my sister and i placed a 'cup' in one of the shelves of the Ikea Expedit bookcase and used it as a key holder..

except that, it is a rather teeny tiny cup. and we have too many keys.

so i had a rummage around my room, and found tiny checkered treasure chest - which i bought for AUD$12 (a major steal...! the sales guy whispered into my ear that it was worth $35 but someone probably tagged it wrong) and used it in place of the cup.

and... that's it! it looks so much better (reminds self to sort out books on shelf) and heaps more practical.

i guess one thing to remember is changing the look of a place is something that happens over time, and you can't really go out and buy a whole lot of stuff and magically wish your house to be homey. i'm a big, big, fan of flea markets and most times i don't even come home with anything...
oh -and mini treasure chest and other goodies - you can get from DFO Essendon - can't remember the name at the moment, but you can't miss it - it's one of the stores not located within the main building, and they sell timber furniture which floods out of the store onto the sidewalk.
so, stop adding your keys to the mess on your desk - and find a lovely anything to store your keys so you know where they are whenever you need to rush out the house.*
*applicable only to super blur people like me....
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