autumn is (finally) here (or has it been autumn for some time now?), and we're meant to expect temperatures below 20deg C this week - with rain most days. friends ask when is the best time to be in melbourne - sometimes it's quite hard to give a definitive answer as the weather is as erratic as the mother is indecisive.
it's time to now dust off those furry ugg booties, invest in a snuggie (très unfashionable, but highly practical) and refrain from eating too much...
speaking of eating too much, as of 2 weeks from now, i celebrate my 6th month as an acutetarian (or a pescatarian). i haven't regretted my decision yet to not eat meat - i don't think i feel any healthier than i did before, but it's gone to a point where i do feel rather squeamish at the sight of raw meat - and my thoughts go to the poor animal that was probably happily chewing on grass or hopping over fences before being inhumanely slaughtered.
i mean, imagine Babe. or Charlotte's Web. or Homeward Bound. animals talk and have feelings too, you know.
(apparently fish have feelings too (hello, Finding Nemo) but i can't seem to bring myself to not eat fish...)
i remember the day i declared to my friends and family that i was not going to eat meat anymore. it took them by surprise - and me too - because i totally forgot to consider the fact that i hated vegetables, fish, mushrooms, tofu and anything non-meat.
now i don't really have a choice.
i wonder if i should take the next step to turning vegetarian too?
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