i do the girl thing of constantly exchanging things from one bag to another - and really it's only between two bags - one black, and one brown - and depending on what i'm wearing (i have tendency to wear too much black, also have embarrassing tendency to over-dress) and how much of stuff i have to take out, i just grab them and go!
so after a bit of a rummage in the bag...

1. wallet (which converts to clutch thanks to hidden wrist sling) from salvatore ferragamo
2. sketch book! which contains notes/scribbles/thoughts.
3. best. thing. ever. lucas's papaw ointment. heals everything from dry lips to mozzie bites to burns.
4. book to read on tram/while waiting. gulliver's travels.
5. pen from the pen snob :)
7. infectiguard spray hand sanitizer. er. also to be used in place of pepper spray.
8. mont blanc pen+pencil case.
9. ipod! with case from jayjay which michie and i got for free after giving puppy eyes to guy at store.
10. packet of kleenex. which the lovely kenny surprised me with because i was having the sniffles and was attempting to discreetly wipe nose on sleeve. je t'adore!
10. er. card which entitles me to $4 pizzas all the time at bimbo, pizza haunt.
11. thumbdrives.
12. chanel lip gloss.
13. blackberry!
and that's it! oh how i enjoy procrastination :) thanks tris!
oh yes. i tag...
1. kelly
2. michy
3. cheryl
4. eevon
5. cherie. just because i think this will be funny. lol.
oh yes. i tag...
1. kelly
2. michy
3. cheryl
4. eevon
5. cherie. just because i think this will be funny. lol.
thanks for tagging me! i think i've done it before but i'll be happiee to do it again :D
aaawwww...u are welcome my dear :)
je t'adore moi aussi..
gros bisous
yes to cherie. i'm very excited to see what's in her bag. haha
u must force her to do it manda!
eevon: yes, do it again! :D
kenny: gros bisous xoxo
cheryl: perhaps an illustration of whats in your bag? ;)
u read my mind manda <3
loves it!
now we must focus on getting the 'snob' to do hers.
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